A GREVE DOS 36 anos pode não chegar ao cinquentenário
Tendo tido conhecimento que o sector empresarial estatal, (transmitido pelo PS à AD e desta ao PS e PSD ,com CDU no vermelho sul) foi distinguido com a isenção de cortes, senão os quadros iriam fugir sabe-se lá para onde...já não resta muito banco para os boys da C.G.D fugirem
Assi pela eficácia desta greve do agarrem-me ou vou-me embora, quero, em meu nome e de todos os Portugueses, felicitar , o elenco e também toda a equipa de parasitas por esta distinção, que tanto honra a ficção estatal portuguesa.
martedì 23 novembre 2010
lunedì 22 novembre 2010
If Afghanistan is trumpeted by USA as its victory over USSR , WOULD RUSSIA ALLOW A 100,000 US MUSKETEERS TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN VICTORIOUS ?
One fact is clear ! The US casualties are low which means that there is no real fight ! US companies in Afghanistan are making big bucks !
The defense contractors you have like RONCO,Dyncorps,Xe, SSSI ,Global ,MPRI etc are making good money selling HUMNIT to the US Government ! These companise are hiring Pashto interpreters , Balochi interpreters and what not !
Louis Burger , Fluor,Black and Veach ,Red Star , Mina Corps ,TRYCO ,Halliburton,KBR and Seven Seas may your Afghan success stories ! Certainly private business did well in Afghanistan ! But what about the soldiers real job i.e the war ?
What is the on ground situation ? From 2001 to 2007 I could travel all the 1050 kilometres from Kabul to Herat in my private vehicle without a single weapon to defend myself ! Since 2007 I cannot ! How easy it is to enter Kabul ! I have driven many times from Jalalabad to Kabul after 2200 hours !
How good is the military virtue of the Afghan Army ? A military machine that the US and its hirelings destroyed in between 1978 and 1992 has still not been created ?
The question is how good is Roggios data in real tangible terms ?
You have a US force in Afghanistan surrounded by all Afghanistans neigbours who want the US to fail for various reasons ?
You pound flies with hammers with your mighty drones ? And this is the cause for a martial celebration !
The americans need to read more about the greatest army in history the Wehrmacht or the Red Army which did the real fighting for the US ! War is not New York Stock exchange and the enemy is not Dillinger who the FBI or BATF can overwhelmingly outnumber and outgun !
One fact is clear ! The US casualties are low which means that there is no real fight ! US companies in Afghanistan are making big bucks !
The defense contractors you have like RONCO,Dyncorps,Xe, SSSI ,Global ,MPRI etc are making good money selling HUMNIT to the US Government ! These companise are hiring Pashto interpreters , Balochi interpreters and what not !
Louis Burger , Fluor,Black and Veach ,Red Star , Mina Corps ,TRYCO ,Halliburton,KBR and Seven Seas may your Afghan success stories ! Certainly private business did well in Afghanistan ! But what about the soldiers real job i.e the war ?
What is the on ground situation ? From 2001 to 2007 I could travel all the 1050 kilometres from Kabul to Herat in my private vehicle without a single weapon to defend myself ! Since 2007 I cannot ! How easy it is to enter Kabul ! I have driven many times from Jalalabad to Kabul after 2200 hours !
How good is the military virtue of the Afghan Army ? A military machine that the US and its hirelings destroyed in between 1978 and 1992 has still not been created ?
The question is how good is Roggios data in real tangible terms ?
You have a US force in Afghanistan surrounded by all Afghanistans neigbours who want the US to fail for various reasons ?
You pound flies with hammers with your mighty drones ? And this is the cause for a martial celebration !
The americans need to read more about the greatest army in history the Wehrmacht or the Red Army which did the real fighting for the US ! War is not New York Stock exchange and the enemy is not Dillinger who the FBI or BATF can overwhelmingly outnumber and outgun !
Iran envoy in India summoned
FROM MR Bhadrakumar
Why at this time .Yes Tehran is pissed off since our vote in Vienna.
Iran keeps many nationalities under control by force and using religion .Only half of Iranian are Persian speakers .There are 25% or so Azeri speaking closer to Azerbaijan and may like to have an own combined state .Then there are Arabs sitting on oil fields ,Turkmenis and Balochs .
What Iran has is not what Khomeini had intended .Iran is an incomplete revolution as proved by simmering large scale resistance .
"But Iranians, now an ethnic mix, may not easily stand the test of territorial and linguistic loyalty. Only half speak Persian, a quarter, like Kurds etc, allied languages, the rest mostly Turkic Azeri. Iran has twice the number Azeri speakers as Azerbaijan. It has one fourth the number of Turkomens compared to Turkmenistan. Then there are Arabs and others, even Dravidian Brahui-speaking Balochis.
Iran has many worries of its own, with Islam, perhaps, a major cementing factor, which must be guarded and strengthened to maintain its unity. The excesses of the Khomeini regime, which stunned the West in the early 1980s, now pale in comparison with what the Sunni Algerians are still doing to each other, what the Taliban did in Afghanistan, the Sudanese to their Christians in the south, apart from killings between Sunnis, Shi'ites, Mohajirs and others in Pakistan.
The Khomeini revolution
From the beginning, not all Iranians fully supported the Islamic revolution (in which skillful use was made of Karbala - where Imam Hussein and his army and family fought and died for Islam - and other Shi'ite imagery), its agenda and implementation. Khomeini was a rallying point for all against the Shah (caricatured as the sultan or the caliph), the corroding corruption, the excesses of the Savak secret police and its backers, the CIA, the hopes and aspirations of the youth for social justice, the masses suffering from inflation and sudden oil wealth inequities.
Khomeini provided that unflinching moral and spiritual bulwark against the Shah's armed-to-the-teeth military machine and his capacity to deny whatever concessions were demanded, and what was held out in the end was too little too late. Many Iranians who opposed the hardline clerics and their killjoy agenda were eliminated, forced to flee or went underground. Even in 1980, disenchanted, only one fourth of Iranians went to the parliamentary polls. Expectedly, many clerics, some even senior to Khomeini, like Shariatmadari, favored political parties and more freedoms. But by sheer force, the radical conservatives took over power, sometimes in spite of Khomeini. " from
Any comments pl.
Iran keeps many nationalities under control by force and using religion .Only half of Iranian are Persian speakers .There are 25% or so Azeri speaking closer to Azerbaijan and may like to have an own combined state .Then there are Arabs sitting on oil fields ,Turkmenis and Balochs .
What Iran has is not what Khomeini had intended .Iran is an incomplete revolution as proved by simmering large scale resistance .
"But Iranians, now an ethnic mix, may not easily stand the test of territorial and linguistic loyalty. Only half speak Persian, a quarter, like Kurds etc, allied languages, the rest mostly Turkic Azeri. Iran has twice the number Azeri speakers as Azerbaijan. It has one fourth the number of Turkomens compared to Turkmenistan. Then there are Arabs and others, even Dravidian Brahui-speaking Balochis.
Iran has many worries of its own, with Islam, perhaps, a major cementing factor, which must be guarded and strengthened to maintain its unity. The excesses of the Khomeini regime, which stunned the West in the early 1980s, now pale in comparison with what the Sunni Algerians are still doing to each other, what the Taliban did in Afghanistan, the Sudanese to their Christians in the south, apart from killings between Sunnis, Shi'ites, Mohajirs and others in Pakistan.
The Khomeini revolution
From the beginning, not all Iranians fully supported the Islamic revolution (in which skillful use was made of Karbala - where Imam Hussein and his army and family fought and died for Islam - and other Shi'ite imagery), its agenda and implementation. Khomeini was a rallying point for all against the Shah (caricatured as the sultan or the caliph), the corroding corruption, the excesses of the Savak secret police and its backers, the CIA, the hopes and aspirations of the youth for social justice, the masses suffering from inflation and sudden oil wealth inequities.
Khomeini provided that unflinching moral and spiritual bulwark against the Shah's armed-to-the-teeth military machine and his capacity to deny whatever concessions were demanded, and what was held out in the end was too little too late. Many Iranians who opposed the hardline clerics and their killjoy agenda were eliminated, forced to flee or went underground. Even in 1980, disenchanted, only one fourth of Iranians went to the parliamentary polls. Expectedly, many clerics, some even senior to Khomeini, like Shariatmadari, favored political parties and more freedoms. But by sheer force, the radical conservatives took over power, sometimes in spite of Khomeini. " from
Any comments pl.
To: mkbhadrakumar <mkbhadrakumar@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 8:33:58 PM
Subject: How to stir up a hornet's nest...
From: Bhadrakumar Melkulangara <
To: mkbhadrakumar <mkbhadrakumar@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, November 21, 2010 8:33:58 PM
Subject: How to stir up a hornet's nest...
Iran envoy in India summoned
PRESS TV, 21/11/2010
India has summoned an Iranian envoy in response to comments on Indian-administered Kashmir made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
New Delhi summoned the Iranian charge d'affaires on Friday and conveyed its "deep disappointment" over comments on Kashmir by Iran's Leader several days ago.
"We have conveyed to the Iranian authorities our deep disappointment and regret," an Indian government source said.
On Monday, Ayatollah Khamenei called for international support for the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Kashmir, and called for unity and solidarity in the Muslim world. He also called for global peace and security.
"Today, helping the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, sympathizing with and aiding the people of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Kashmir, resisting the encroachments of the US and the Zionist regime, safeguarding unity among Muslims, fighting the foul hands and mercenary tongues which seek to undermine Muslim unity, and promoting awakening as well as a sense of commitment and responsibility among Muslim youth, are the great responsibilities on the shoulders of the elite in the Muslim ummah," a part of the Leader's Hajj message reads.
Earlier on Saturday, the chairman of Kashmir's All Parties Hurriyat Conference criticized the Indian government for restricting Muslim activities in the disputed Himalayan valley.
Mirwaiz Umar Farooq also thanked the people and government of Iran for supporting Kashmiris' right to self-determination.
"I plan to raise political, human rights and issue of religious interference by the state with them… will also meet Iranian ambassador to thank the country and apprise them of the Kashmir situation," he said.
There were numerous demonstrations and clashes between protesters opposed to Indian rule and government forces between June and September 2010 in the Muslim majority Kashmir region.
Government forces indiscriminately shot and killed innocent and unarmed civilians.
Officials say more than 47,000 people have been killed since a revolt against Indian rule began in 1989. Human rights groups put the toll at about 60,000 and others say 90,000 have died.
The Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan continues to be one of the most intractable and long-standing conflicts in the world, even after more than five decades.
Since 1989, Indian forces have killed and wounded over 100,000 Kashmiris, to silence the people's demand for justice, respect for human rights, freedom and the right of self-determination.
They continue to carry out arbitrary detention, summary executions, custodial killings, extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, rape, sexual exploitation, torture and fake encounters.
Press TV:In the past 20 years of unrest what kind of human rights violations have occurred in Kashmir?
Gautan Navlakha:Human rights violations in Kashmir began from the very fact of military suppression of a movement for the right of self determination.
In the initial period of the early 90's you would find that there were many massacres that took place, there were large scale killings that took place. Large number of people was picked up by the security forces and was tortured in various camps.
I mean there was a proliferation of torture camps in that period because the whole attempt was to crash the movement with as much brutal force as possible and in the course of which people were picked up from their houses.
During such operations women were molested, cases of rape occurred, people disappeared.
Press TV:Human rights groups put the number of missing between eight to ten thousand.
Gautan Navlakha:Since the mass graves issue got exposed and our inquires and investigation exposed -the presence of mass graves with unidentified bodies- we believe that the mystery behind the disappearance is anywhere between 8 thousand to ten thousand or perhaps more….
Press TV: The testimonies of the families and the documents of the disappeared people in Kashmir suggest that the practice in force disappearance is widespread and systematic. However, due to lack of proper survey and documentation no figures are available
Parvez Imroz:We have been telling the government of India that the number of disappearances in other countries have been very low, like Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Algeria or Sri Lanka.
There have been investigations into disappearances, why is the number so low? They have been doing investigations there. In Nepal its 900 something; they have been holding the commissions there.
And from last ten year the families here, the victims have been requesting and appealing the government; they should investigate into the disappearances to know what happened to their dear ones. They have a right to know whether they are dead or alive.
Press TV: Human rights activists have their own arguments for injustice in the region done by war and where truth becomes the first casualty.
Gautan Naviakha: With the scale of atrocities and the number of victims of different kinds of violence that was inflicted - Given the scale of it, the civil administration was also not in a position to cater to and meet, even if they wanted to, they could not have addressed all the problems that confronted them. For individual person or victim getting justice may be possible, but for large numbers of people, I'm afraid there will not be because how do you prosecute thousands of your security forces for war crimes when you promised them immunity?
From: Bhadrakumar Melkulangara <
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